Deborah Joyce
I was born in Venezuela, to a Chilean and Catalan family, and grew up in a small town in the interior of Catalonia. This mix of cultures has motivated me to want to see the world and is reflected both in my work and in my daily life. I studied the Higher Degree Training Cycle in Applied Arts in Walls and the Degree in Fine Arts. Since 2016, I have been a tattoo artist, and with the arrival of motherhood in 2017, I began to combine my family life with work. During these 8 years and with 3 motherhoods, I have prioritized living in contact with nature, in the forests, and traveling. This way of life has allowed me to develop my career as an illustrator, taking advantage of the stimuli and inspiration of the different cultures, landscapes, smells and experiences of each continent we visit, a passion that has led me to explore different facets of this beautiful profession.